The Harvey Media Center video production team specializes in storytelling videos that provide viewers insight into your team, services, and activities. Our staff and student videographers have the expertise, creative talent, and professional equipment to drive your message home.
The first step for your video project is to tell us about it via our request form, linked below! Please provide as much information as possible, to help us consider your project completely and provide the most accurate quote for its cost.
Please note that video production services are provided only to WashU Student Affairs departments and staff for university-affiliated projects, as production capacity and budget allow. Other departments and group may use our equipment rental services and studio spaces. Live streaming service is also available by emailing Jeff Allen (info below).
Projects are accepted based on our production capacity and the project’s technical requirements. If your project would best be handled by another campus partner, you may be referred.
Because of our busy production schedule, we strongly suggest you request your project as far in advance of its due date as possible.
Jeff Allen
Media Technology Manager
- Phone: 314-935-3961
- Email:
Jeff manages the Harvey Media Center and the center’s media and A/V technology.